2024 - 2025 Competitive Leagues

FC Sarasota teams compete in numerous leagues. Please see below for more information on our potential 2024-2025 Competitive Leagues - Decisions to be made on a team by team basis. 

SUNSHINE CONFERENCE TEAM V TEAM - The Florida Youth Soccer Association (FYSA) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Founded in 1974, FYSA is governed by a board of directors that is elected by representatives from their member associations, and maintains a state office in Auburndale, FL with a professional staff. their membership consists of 200+ clubs/leagues, 105,000+ registered players, and 20,000+ coaches/officials. FYSA is part of a much larger soccer community. They are a proud member of the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA), United State Soccer Federation (USSF), and the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).

WEST FLORIDA PREMIER LEAGUE -The West Florida Premier League (WFPL) is a Club and Team based league focused on offering multiple levels of play for the U8 through U19 age groups within the Western region of Florida. The U13 - U19 age group winners qualify for US Club Post Season advancement. Florida Club League - West Florida Premier League

NPL - A National Association member of the U.S. Soccer Federation, the National Association of Competitive Soccer Clubs (doing business as “US Club Soccer”) is a non-profit organization committed to the development and support of soccer clubs in the United States. Among US Club Soccer’s guiding principles: NATIONAL PREMIER LEAGUE Clubs are the vehicle through which players are developed, and US Club Soccer should help facilitate club development throughout the country.

Clubs and their leadership should be the primary decision-makers in the structure and organization of soccer.

US Club Soccer should provide leadership and a vehicle for clubs and technical leaders to work together to elevate the game and player development environment

DPL (DEVELOPMENT PLAYER LEAGUE)- The Development Player League, a national league that provides a competitive platform for top youth soccer clubs in the United States. The league's goal is to create a professional training environment and competitive model for aspiring players, bridging the gap between club soccer and Development Academy soccer. Clubs must apply and meet competitive standards to be admitted to the league DEVELOPMENT PLAYER LEAGUE

FLORIDA STATE PREMIER LEAGUE  -The Florida State Premier League (FSPL) exists to provide elite U13-U19 teams with the opportunity to compete against the most competitive teams across the state of Florida. FSPL is operated by the Florida Youth Soccer Association State Office and serves as a statewide league designed to complement the USYS League Structure, including the USYS National League Sunshine Conference and National League Showcase Series. The overall direction of the league falls under the Florida State Premier League Commission. The 2022-2023 commission is made up of various Club Directors of Coaching and Club Administrators throughout the state. Florida State Premier League (FSPL) - USYS Florida (fysa.com)

USA - USA is one of the longest standing leagues in the Tampa Bay and surrounding areas. They are primarily a scheduling body, but their ultimate goal is to provide a rich, organized playing experience for players, coaches and parents alike. Tryouts for this league is typically held in May (PLEASE SEE TRYOUT PAGE FOR INFORMATION). USA Soccer

CDL YDA- CDL is a Central Florida Soccer League formed and operated by the Directors of Coaching from each member club. CDL YDA Soccer

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