Recreational Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there an age requirement for the Recreation Soccer?

    Players must be between the birth years of 2006 and 2018 and 2019/2020 for First Kickers 

  • What if my child never played soccer before?

    Perfect, this is the program for them as it’s for all players of all skill levels. 

  • When are practices?

    Practice day options are either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and are chosen by the coach. When players register they are prompted to select two practice nights options that best fits their schedule. You MUST pick two different days. We may not have every day available for practice for every age group. 

  • Where are the practice and games?

    All practices and games are at Tatum Ridge Soccer Complex 

  • How long does practice last?

    Practices start anytime between 5:30 and 7 p.m. , depending on age group and last one hour. 

  • What are the game times?

    Game times will not be released until after the teams are formed. Game times vary but will not start before 8:30 a.m. and all game are usually finished up by 5 p.m. Games are on Saturdays. (Games may be played mid-week or Sunday if we have to cancel games on a Saturday due to weather). 

  • What equipment do I need?

    Shin guards are mandatory for all practices and games; Cleated shoes (no medal studs, football and baseball cleats are prohibited); 

    Soccer ball - size depending on age. 

    • U5-U6 - First Kickers - Size 3 
    • U7/8 - Size 3 (4 is acceptable) 
    • U10-U12 - Size 4
    • U13 upwards - Size 5 
  • What does my child wear to practice/games?

    Players are provided with a complete game kit which includes a two game day jerseys, navy shorts, navy socks and a sac pack. 

    They will wear the light colored jersey for home games and the dark colored jersey for away games. 

    Players are to bring both jerseys to every game. For practices, they will receive a practice shirt. They can wear any color shorts and socks. 

  • How are the teams formed?

    Teams are formed by age group.  The age group is the player's birth year. 

    How we determine the groups is dictated by the numbers. 

    For the development of the players, the best-case scenario is to have single age groups, however, if we don't have the numbers of registered players in a particular age group then we need to combine two.

     For the Recreational Program, teams are formed as per the players birth year follows: First Kickers 5/6U boys, 5/6U girls; Junior Teams; 7/8U boys, 7/8U girls, 9U/10U boys, 9U/10U girls, 11U/12U boys, 11U/12U girls, 13U/14U/15U and 15U/16U17U coed Senior Teams.  

    Teams will be formed so that there is an equal number of players within an age group on the team. The reason for doing this is for fair and balanced teams.  

    The number of teams in each age group is also determined by the number of Coaches we have.  The reason for doing this is for fair balanced teams

  • Can I request to be with a Coach?

    The only guaranteed placement onto a team is the coaches child and team sponsor.  We do not anticipate making exceptions to this.

  • Who are the Coaches - How can I become a Coach?

    FC Sarasota Recreational Program success is due largely to our Volunteer Coaches.  

    Coaches are needed at all age groups. If you are interested in coaching, select Head Coach or Assistant Coach when registering on-line. A member of the staff will contact you.  

    All volunteer coaches must pass a National Background check and fingerprint screening, complete an online Concussion Course (30 Minutes), and complete SafeSport Certification with certificate (online course sent to coach) to coach at any of FCS's facilities.

  • Can my child be on a team with my friend?

    During the registration process, you will be asked if you have a friend request. 

    We do our best to accommodate the friend requests, however, there are other considerations taken into account when forming the teams such practice days and balancing of team within age groups. 

    Friend requests are made on a first come first served basis.  Requests must be one-to-one player reciprocated requests (i.e. both players must have requested they be on the same team as the other).  Requests are to be made when registering the player online.  The reciprocal player request must also be made by the deadline.  

    Although requests are taken into consideration, the program has no obligation to fulfill any particular request and makes no promise in that regard. 

    Practice night requests take precedence over friend request.  It is our suggestion that if you put down a friend request, you do not put down a practice request.

  • Can my child play up an age group?

    Players must be registered to their true age group first. Then any requests to play up, will be passed to one of our FCS coaching staff the Recreational Director, who will make an assessment of the player.  Criteria they will be looking for covers Is the player the best player in their own age group, can they make the adjustment physically and mentally, is their current age group holding back their development and is there space on the new team it cannot displace any players already on the team. It cannot be just because they want to play with their friends.

    Special Requests will ONLY be honored by FCS in accordance with USYSA (United States Youth Soccer Association) and FYSA (Florida Youth Soccer Association) guidelines regarding the Recreational Division. USYSA and FYSA expressly prohibit recruiting or building Recreation Division teams. FCS is a member of both USYSA and FYSA; therefore, the FCS Board will abide with this guideline. FCS failure to comply may result in fines, penalties and/or suspension. **

    • No requests will be honored to play down in age group 
    • U5-U12 are subject to FYSA play up rules. 
    • Middle School and High School age players may be combined team per FYSA age guidelines.
    • FCS reserves the right to combine single year age groups based on registration numbers and FYSA rules for in house soccer. This means a single year age group U5-U8 can be combined to U5/U6 and also U7/U8 in accordance with FYSA playing rules.

  • What does the U? For example the 9 in U9?

    U9 refers to the age group being 9-and-under. Check here for the birth chart

  • How many players are on a team?

    There is some flexibility with numbers on teams as we can modify game formats based on the numbers but typically the roster numbers are as follows:

    • U7/8 - 8 players
    • U9/10 – 10 - 12 players
    • U11/12 – 12 - 14 players
    • U13-U15*  – 16 to 18 players (*middle school)
    • U15-U18*  – 16 plus players (*high school)

  • What is the game format?

    There are different game format depending on the age brackets. Also, as mentioned in the previous answer, game formats are flexible as we can modify based on other the registration numbers.

    • U7/8  - Play 4v4 with no goalkeepers
    • U9/10  - Play 7v7 For Boys & Girls
    • U11/12  - Play 9v9 For Boys & Girls
    • U13-U18  - 9v9 or 11v11 dependant on numbers 

  • How big is the field?

    Again, there are different field sizes depending on the age brackets. i.e.

    • U7/8  - Play 25y x 35y
    • U10  - Play 35y x 55y
    • U12  - Play 45/50y x 75/80y
    • U13-U18  - Full Size

  • What is the refund policy?

    Please note the soccer programs are self-supporting, run by volunteers and commitments need to be made. Given the time and commitment needed to run the program the following is our refund policy:

    • A full refund will automatically be given for any program canceled by FC Sarasota.  A refund, minus a $20 processing fee, will be given when requested in writing up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the Recreational Soccer programs.  
    • There will be no refunds once teams are formed. 
    • Once the Soccer Season begins, no refund will be given, unless there is a medical emergency and a doctor’s note accompanies the refund request. 
  • What is the soccer season?

    There are two seasons, Fall and Winter/Spring. 

    The fall program typically starts August and ends in November. 

    The Winter/Spring program typically starts in February and ends in April.

  • Can I wear a cast (or earrings, religious medals, eyeglasses)?

    The FIFA Laws of the Game prohibit anything which is dangerous to a player or other players. Referees determine if an item can be worn without being dangerous. 

    Why can't players wear helmets? Helmets are not included in the Laws of the Game under Players Equipment. Although the player wearing the headgear is protected, he may play in a physically more aggressive manner than others not protected, thereby becoming a danger to others.

  • Why does our league not post standings?

    We place a priority on participation/ development and deemphasize results.

  • Why do I need to upload my child’s birth certificate?

    This is a requirement from US Soccer and our state organization FYSA.

  • What if my child was born outside the USA?

    Per FIFA's Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players, the international clearance process is required when any foreign-born player is attempting to register with an affiliated club in the United States, regardless of that player's ability, age or citizenship. U.S. Soccer is responsible for properly obtaining that clearance on behalf of these players before they can register and participate in an affiliated league. Instructions are provided on the website for uploading documents.

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